Prontas para mais uma letra? Eu sei que a já devia ter saído na segunda mas com a falta de tempo tem sido impossível :/
Hoje é dia do F e o verniz que trouxe para o representar já estava na gaveta parado à uns dois anitos.
Hello girls!
Ready for another letter? I know that should have been out on monday but with the lack of time it has been impossible :/
Today is the F day and the varnish that I brought to represent was already stopped at the couple of years in the drawer.
O Finger Paints levou 3 camadas e , apesar de não se notar nas fotos, a cor não ficou uniforme :/
A formula é demasiado fluída e o pincel ser fino, comprido e redondo em nada ajudou na aplicação e acabou por ganhar umas pequenas bolhinhas que tiveram de ser disfarçadas com o top coat.
The Finger Paints took 3 coats and although it doesn't appear in the pictures, the color was not even :/
The formula is too fluid and the brush is thin, long and round and did nothing in the application and eventually gained some small bubbles that had to be disguised with the top coat.
Foram 2 camadas extremamente fáceis de aplicar e o glitter distribui-se uniformemente pela unha sem qualquer tipo de dificuldade.
The twin nails I used two coats of Shimmer Sarah over the Finger Paints, and was divine! I'm terribly sorry for not been able to show you the true beauty of this nail polish because of the poor quality of photos.
Two coats were extremely easy to apply and the glitter is distributed evenly across the nail without any difficulty.
Para finalizar apliquei umas tachas circulares e usei o tc fast dry gloss da glnails.
Espero que tenham gostado e não se esqueçam de espreitar o blog da Rosana e da Raquel
Bjinhos <3
To finish I applied a circular studs and used the tc fast dry gloss of glnails.
I hope you enjoyed and do not forget to peek at the blog of Rosana and Raquel
Kisses <3